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Erik Vermeulen &

Seppe Gebruers

Antiduo was started a decade ago by the teacher/pupil duo Erik Vermeulen and Seppe Gebruers. Recordings they made from 2010 to 2012 resulted in Antiduo (released 2015):

  18 instant compositions for two pianos that explored the zone between improvisation and composition in an unpredictable playful manner.

Buy at elNEGOCITO Records

No Panic ! The prefix anti- in antiduo doesn't reflect the 2 musician's troubled relation with music, particularly duos , or the world in general. Anti- rather refers to terms like antithesis, antipodos, just like counter in counterpoint.

The piano is an orchestral instrument. A piano duo can be seen as two orchestras but just as well as two voices or two characters.

Erik Vermeulen and Seppe Gebruers both have very pronounced personalities, getting involved in a dialogue within one single ongoing musical story , but developing different storylines or layers.

Sometimes they sound like a clash of two temperaments, at other times they speak like one person.

Both are contemporaties with an age difference , having sought ideas and inspiration in a last century of eclecticism, but also far beyond.

Erik Vermeulen and Seppe Gebruers both started improvising at a young age,obsessively looking for useful elements to shape their music. Improvisation is to them an ideal an ultimate concept.

It combines structure and chance, impulsivity and control, tonality and spectral harmony, thoughtful use of time, space and texture, and also poetry.

These duo recordings are the result of several improvised sessions over 2 years, a work in progress inquiring musical technique and meaning.




released April 11, 2015


Recorded at studio Vermeulen


Mixing & Mastering: Manolo Cabras


Production: el NEGOCITO Records & Troika vzw


Drawings, Design & Lay-out: Jelle Gebruers